Also Eden news

Europe, here we come! We are very excited for our forthcoming venture to the mainland. We'll be playing in Arlon, Belgium, Rüsselsheim, Germany and Nieuwerkerk aan den Yssel, Netherlands. Check out our Tour page for details and tickets.

We are currently working hard on writing and recording our new album, provisionally called Open Skies. The song writing sessions to date have been an absolute joy, with ideas flowing like a river. Simon has probably demo'd the best part of an album on his own! We hope to start recording in earnest in April and have the album 'in the can' by the end of the summer. This is a year later than originally hoped but, by Also Eden standards, that's quick!

As well as hopefully finishing our new album, we're excited to be playing a few gigs throughout the year, with a jaunt to the continent in November, as well a headline appearance at the excellent Danfest in Leicester. For gig details and tickets, please visit our Tour page. 

Welcome Guy Monk!

We are delighted to announce the addition of drummer Guy Monk to the Also Eden lineup!

Guy is a lecturer in drums at BIMM University, Birmingham and has just completed his Master’s in Learning and Teaching in the Creative Industries. He is also a highly regarded session player (check out ). 

We were blown away by how quickly he nailed our material and are very excited by the contributions he has already made to songwriting for the new album.